
Grid Framework version 1.5.3 released

Grid Framework version 1.5.3 has been approved by the Asset Store team. This release brings compatibility with the upcoming Unity 5.

Grid Framework itself was compatible, but a number of examples used properties that have been removed in Unity 5. Those are properties that secretly called GetComponent, but looked like regular variables.

And while I'm at it, here is a little teaser for the next feature update: rhombic hex grid rendering


Grid Framework version 1.5.2 released

Grid Framework version 1.5.2 has just been approved of by the Asset Store team. This release is a bugfix for polar grids where the cylindric lines have not been calculated properly if the depth of the grid was not 1.

Another thing you might notice is that the engine requirements have been knocked down to Unity version 3.5.7, the latest release of Unity 3. While Grid Framework has always been compatible with Unity 3, I have been using Unity 4 for deployment so far. Now the compatibility with Unity 3 is official.

Compatibility with Unity 5 is coming with the next update; it's nothing major, but some of the examples did not compile due to deprecated properties.